Why replace spreadsheets from electronic editors with automation systems?

In the corporate world, efficient data and information management is essential for driving business success. For a long time, electronic spreadsheet editors have been widely used to organize and analyze data, but this traditional approach is increasingly being replaced by innovative solutions.

As the complexity of operations and the amount of data increase, the limitations of these spreadsheets become more apparent. In this article, we will explore the problems associated with using spreadsheets created in electronic publishing programs for data control and management, highlighting the advantages of dedicated automation systems and the no-code technology approach as a quick, effective, and cost-efficient solution for automating information management and control.

Data Control and Management: Issues with Spreadsheets from Electronic Publishing Software

  1. Lack of scalability: As the amount of data grows, these spreadsheets can become slow and experience performance issues. The need to add new columns or rows can become a challenge, hampering system scalability.
  2. Risk of errors and inconsistencies: Manual data entry in spreadsheets increases the risk of human errors, such as incorrect typing or failure to update information. The lack of version control and the possibility of multiple people editing the same spreadsheet simultaneously can lead to inconsistencies and data conflicts.
  3. Collaboration difficulties: Sharing spreadsheets can be complicated, especially when different users need to edit or update information simultaneously. The lack of change tracking and difficulty in controlling access can hinder effective collaboration among team members.

Data Automation: More security, agility within your budget

  1. Adaptability and customization: Dedicated automation systems can be designed to meet the specific needs of a company, allowing customization of workflows and functionalities. Tailored solutions enable greater adaptability to changes in processes and internal requirements of the organization.
  2. Data integration: These automation systems can integrate with different data sources, such as internal databases, external APIs, and third-party applications. This facilitates centralization and synchronization of information, avoiding data duplication and improving information consistency throughout the company.
  3. Task automation: Automation systems enable the automation of repetitive and routine tasks, saving time and reducing errors. Automated workflows can streamline processes, eliminating the need for manual intervention and freeing up employees to focus on strategic or more relevant activities for the company.

No-code Technology: Automating your company quickly and easily

  1. Ease of use: No-code technology allows users without technical programming knowledge to create automation solutions. Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces make it easy to build custom workflows without the need for coding.
  2. Agility and speed: With the no-code approach, it is possible to create and deploy automation solutions quickly and agilely, without the need for complex software development. This enables companies to keep up with market demands and respond rapidly to internal changes and needs.
  3. Access to advanced resources: No-code platforms offer a wide range of pre-built features and functionalities that can be easily incorporated into automation solutions. This includes API integration, report generation, real-time notifications, and more, providing advanced resources without the need for specialized technical knowledge.
  4. Cost reduction and reduced IT dependence: The no-code approach allows companies to reduce development and maintenance costs of systems, as there is no need to hire specialized developers. Additionally, business teams can create and maintain their own automation solutions, reducing dependence on the IT department.
  5. Increased collaboration and transparency: With no-code automation solutions, teams can collaborate more efficiently and transparently. Automated workflows and real-time information sharing improve internal communication, prevent communication errors, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Replacing spreadsheets created in electronic editors with automation systems developed with no-code technology is a natural evolution for companies that want to overcome the limitations of these spreadsheets and achieve greater efficiency in data management and control.

The advantages of dedicated automation systems, combined with the ease, efficiency, agility, and advanced features offered by no-code technology, enable companies to create customized solutions, reduce costs, improve collaboration, and increase operational efficiency. By adopting this approach, companies will be prepared to tackle the challenges of the modern business world and drive sustainable growth.

Arkeyva is a digital solution creation platform that can assist you in this endeavor, making data management and control in your company more secure and efficient without compromising your business budget.

If you would like to learn how Arkeyva can contribute to automating your company, speak with one of our consultants and discover everything Arkeyva can do for your organization.

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