

Integration Engine

Have you ever thought of a tool where it was possible to create flows in an intuitive and visual way? Or designing systemic integrations with a low level of complexity? This is exactly what Arkeyva offers! An incredible tool, containing a browser-based editor, which, in addition to being simple and compatible with all browsers, facilitates the connection of flows using nodes, which can be:

  • APIs
  • Web Services
  • IoT Devices
  • Hardwares

Therefore, through nodes, it is possible to read CSV files, listen to http, tcp, websocket, twitter, mqtt events, among others.

Integration Engine

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Arkeyva is ready to connect to your user database, with support to integrate with LDAP or Active Directory servers. And what are the advantages of this? You do not need to have more than one login to access the platform. And as the solution works with the concept of single user (Single Sign-On), being logged into any corporate system of your company, you will not need to authenticate in Arkeyva, as it will identify the active login and enter automatically.

Our integrator also works with the main authentication protocols: OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0.

It’s starting? No problem! Arkeyva allows authentication with the login of Social Networks, such as Facebook, GitHub, Google, Instagram, Linkedin, Microsoft and Twitter

Single Sign-On (SSO)

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Can Arkeyva help?

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